Nearby activities
Visit the Rimouski tourism website for all not-to-be-missed activities and restaurants ...

Visit the Empress of Ireland Museum, the Lighthouse Station and the Onondaga Submarine

Enjoy outdoor activities year-round at this provincial park.

Hiking, waterfalls, the highest suspended footbridge in Québec, and a favourite with the children: the enchanted world of Les Portes d'Oniria.

An exquisite site where flowers take centre stage! Visit the gardens, enjoy culinary delights, and learn about the Reford family history.

Chamber Music Festival.

Take sea kayak lessons or go on excursions through the Bic Island archipelago where you can admire the beautiful scenery, stunning sunsets and the many birds and seals that inhabit this provincial park.

Enjoy the excitement of an aerial adventure through trees, including the longest zipline in Québec. An absolute must!

Magnificent exhibits of the work by artists Lisa Moser and Riopelle.

Travel by zodiac boat to Saint-Barnabé Island where you can hike, picnic on the beach, and even hunt for geocaches.

Take a guided tour of the Lamontagne House built in 1740.

We are located directly on La Route Verte, a 5,000 km network of bicycle trails.
Four golf courses nearby, including the Empress only 4 minutes from the motel !